What is the 340B Prime Vendor Program?
The 340B Prime Vendor Program (PVP), managed by Apexus™, is a contract awarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), which is responsible for administering the 340B Drug Pricing Program. As the Prime Vendor, Apexus contracts with manufacturers and distributors to help ensure access to discounted medications, provides 340B education to all stakeholders, and helps support program integrity through technical assistance.
The 340B Prime Vendor Program is a voluntary program for covered entities and manufacturers alike. There is no fee for eligible covered entities to enroll and participate in the Prime Vendor Program.
340B Prime Vendor Solutions
Since 2004, the Prime Vendor Program (PVP) has brought together more than 150 manufacturers and approximately 13,300 340B parent entities to achieve lower 340B drug pricing for those who need it most. Contracting with PVP is voluntary for manufacturers and provides value for both stakeholders.
The 340B PVP partners with national, regional, and specialty distributors to manage distribution networks. These distribution options provide choice in the marketplace, which drives value. Serving as a central source to oversee these distributors, the PVP supports 340B compliance by ensuring pricing integrity in these distributor relationships.
340B PVP collaborates with all types of 340B stakeholders to deliver free, nationwide, online, and in-person education through the 340B University and 340B University OnDemand. Our 340B Prime Vendor Program website features additional educational resources, including HRSA answers to 340B frequently asked questions and compliance tools and templates. All 340B University courses are available at no cost.
All 340B stakeholders have equal access to technical assistance by contacting the Apexus Answers call center. We've provided HRSA-aligned answers to more than 250,000 inquires since 2012, ranging from basic to complex, via phone 888.340.BPVP (2787), live chat, and email. Apexus Answers is celebrating ten years of service and support.
Manufacturer Refund Service
We align manufacturers, distributors, and covered entities to facilitate resolving manufacturer overcharges to covered entities. By working through existing relationships and technology, the Prime Vendor Program delivers an effective and efficient way to collaborate: the Apexus 340B PVP Manufacturer Refund Service. Since inception, our team has returned more than $212 million in refunds to covered entities.
Learn more about the Prime Vendor Program and how Apexus supports 340B.
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